This is an Affinity Seminar for those who identify as Black.
This session will guide participants through an examination of the historical and contemporary context in which Black, male-identifying people of color find themselves, given the backdrop of the legacy and continued impacts of systemic racism. The data detailing the plight of black males continues to re-inscribe the inherent harm, neglect and division from which this plight arises. The challenge is for organizations to not reflect and perpetuate the inequities, but to eliminate those inequities. By creating the space for, surfacing and learning from their voices of black males, this seminar will provide validation of black male voice as an essential component for a system’s efforts to authentically understand what lies at the source of institutional practices and policies that too often marginalize, criminalize and ostracize black males. Participants will examine ways to transform environments into places that nurture the spirit and infinite potential of black males by fostering high-level engagement and achievement.
Essential questions for racially conscious affirmation and coalition building will be examined as participants strive through application of Courageous Conversation® to interrupt damaging societal forces that impact the psyche and spirit of Black males, and tools for accelerating the leadership of Black male voice at the highest levels of each organization’s quest for racial equity grounded in the Courageous Conversation® Systemic Equity Transformation Framework™ will be provided through this two-part experience.